RS3 - Croesus 4 Man Guide.

Описание к видео RS3 - Croesus 4 Man Guide.

Simple four man Croesus guide, real time follow along learning the mechanics and rotation. In this run we do Long-Short rotation and we rot our starting node before leaving. Below you can also find a text guide.

00:00 Intro.
00:22 Requirements, useful items, unlocks and setup.
02:40 Real time walkthrough start.
05:00 First mid.
07:35 Second mid into pray/core.

Text Guide.

Items to Bring:
Upgraded Shadow Pontifex Ring.
Elite Skilling Outfits.
Tools (Magic Butterfly Net, Hatchet, Pickaxe and Rod-o-matic)
Augment and perk your tools.
Offhand with Mobile Perk.
Super Restores.

Useful Unlocks:
Bladed Dive/Double Surge.
Sana's Fyrtorch. (Burns Sticky)
Orthen Furnace Core. (Burns Sticky)
Artificers Measure. (Build Statues Faster)

-Four skilling Nodes in each corner, Hunter (Blue), Mining (yellow), Woodcutting (red) and Fishing (green) each containing 3 main nodes and 3 secondary gathering Nodes. Main Nodes will rotate during the fight, Prioritize the sparkling Node (If unable, Gather from the other colored Node) Not The Rotted (Black) one. When harvested the Black one will produce Rotted Fungus and heal the Node. Once the main Node is depleted they will all turn black, and can then be Rotted with 10 Rotten Fungus.
-Pathways, There are 4 pathways between skilling Nodes. Fungi Maze and Mushroom Hurdles, In the Fungi Maze you must not walk on Mushrooms following a clear path. If you walk on Mushrooms you will be damaged and a piece of your Fungus will be Rotted for every Mushroom you walk on. Bladed Dive and Surge are your friends here. You can clear half of the maze with a single Surge (Make sure to Surge to a clear location, or Surge after you walk halfway through) If possible, stand on one edge and simply Surge-Bladed Dive to clear the field in a tick.
In Fungi Hurdles you must only cross over the sparkling Mushrooms (they rotate from time to time) If you cross a Black Mushroom you will be damaged and Rot a piece of your Fungus.
-Croesus, Four Statues and Storage box. Each Statute requires 30 resources, 15 from each node one clockwise and opposite (Two Nodes clockwise), to be restored. Once restored they are then ready to be prayed to open Croesus' Core (All Statues Must be Restored Before Praying), The Core will be one of the skilling Nodes at random. Whilst the Core is open you must DPS (Click the Core once to start, Then proceed to click on every green sparkle and yellow sparkle to earn extra points and more DPS, Do Not Click Red Sparkles These will heal Croesus. Storage containers allow you to store your gathered fungus.

-Cloud: Slams hands on ground, and a Cloud appears where the player was standing at that time, Standing in this cloud will damage you.
-Fairy Ring: Teleports the player to a random location if you are standing in it as it vanishes. (Turns one Fungus into Rotten)
-Slimes: Orange Slimes are hurdled towards random players, These will follow you and deal great damage if you get caught.
-Stun: Croesus hurdles a red blob at random players, if hit you will be stunned and must use Freedom to avoid damage asap. It is also possible to Anticipate/Freedom early to avoid being stunned.
-Sticky Fungus: Croesus will spawn Sticky fungus under random players feet. If caught you must click it immediately to avoid damage (Requires Logs, Fyrtorch or Orthan Core to Burn)
-Energy Fungus (Mid): Spawns at 2:20 Four fungus blobs will spawn around Croesus' base, you must remove these immediately. If not removed in time Croesus will gain 40% Rot energy.
Taking damage from any of these attacks will contribute to Croesus' Enrage, when 100% the Kill is a Fail.

Mechanic Rotation:
Cloud-Fairy Ring-Slimes-Cloud-Stun-Sticky Fungus-Energy Fungus.

For doing various things you are awarded contribution points, these will determine how much loot you get, and how many Unique rolls you get per kill.
Harvesting sparkling Nodes +3
Harvesting normal Nodes +2
Harvesting rotted (Black) Nodes -2
Rotting Node with 10 rotten Fungus +20
Clearing another person's Sticky Fungus +10
Contributing resources to Statues +2 (per resource)
Restoring Statues per XP drop +1 (75 max per statue)
Removing Energy Fungus(Mid) +5 (per tick)
Damaging Croesus' core +2 (per XP drop)
Clicking green sparkles on Core +2
Clicking white sparkles on Core +1
Clicking red sparkles on Core -2

Rare Drop Rolls and chance for 1 Unique:
60-69=1, 1/600
70-129=2, 1/300
130-189=3, 1/200
190-239=4, 1/150
240-279=5, 1/120
280-309=6, 1/100
310-339=7, 1/86
340=359=8, 1/75
360-379=9, 1/67
380-399=10, 1/60
400-419=11, 1/55
Above 420=12, 1/50

Strategy (4Man Long Short):
Hunter starts the kill.
Gather 15 fungus, Deposit them.
Make 10 Rot and poison the node when depleted.
Gather another 15 fungus.
Run them Long.
Do Mid on the way to long @ 2.20.
Deposit on Statue.
Grab the Fungus from the deposit and run it Short.
Deposit on Statue and restore.
Do Mid @5:00.
Once ALL Statues are restored it's time to pray.
Attack Core.....


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