SQL Basics in one shot | MySQL Database queries

Описание к видео SQL Basics in one shot | MySQL Database queries

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In this video, our expert instructor Sanket will guide you through the fascinating world of Node.js, making it perfect for beginners and aspiring developers.

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🔍 What You'll Learn:

1. Database Basics and Practical Application: The lecture starts with a recap of basic database concepts. It then moves on to a practical application, where the lecturer introduces a sample database available on GitHub (titled 'films.sql'), which is used for SQL exercises. This database, structured with multiple tables, is designed to help students visualize and interact with real data.

2. Setting Up the Environment: The lecturer guides students on how to set up their environment for working with the sample database. This involves downloading the database file from GitHub, installing MySQL and MySQL Workbench on their computers, and ensuring that MySQL server is running locally (typically on port 3306).

3. Navigating MySQL Workbench: Once the environment is set up, the lecturer demonstrates how to use MySQL Workbench. This includes connecting to the local MySQL server, navigating the interface (which displays various schemas and tables), and understanding the basic layout and functionalities of the workbench, such as running queries and viewing tables.

4. SQL Queries and Operations: The focus shifts to executing SQL queries. The lecture covers various types of SQL commands for selecting, updating, and deleting data. It emphasizes the declarative nature of SQL, where users specify what they want done rather than how to do it. Examples include filtering data using the 'WHERE' clause, sorting with 'ORDER BY', and managing data pagination with 'LIMIT' and 'OFFSET'.

5. Advanced SQL Techniques: The lecture concludes with advanced SQL techniques. These include using aliases for column names, understanding different SQL operators, configuring case sensitivity in string comparisons, and implementing substring matching. The lecturer also explains the process of updating and deleting records, providing practical examples to illustrate these operations.

📚 Who Should Watch:
Aspiring web developers
JavaScript enthusiasts
Anyone looking to expand their programming skills

💡 Why Debug Camp?
Expert Instructors: Learn from industry professionals like Sanket.
Practical Knowledge: Gain hands-on experience with real-world examples.

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0:00 - Introduction to databases and a sample database available on GitHub (films.sql) for SQL practice.
0:21 - Instructions on downloading the sample database and setting up MySQL and MySQL Workbench on your computer.
1:21 - Explanation of MySQL as a server and connecting to it through Local Host and port 3306.
2:36 - Overview of MySQL Workbench interface, including schema options and the layout of databases and tables.
3:40 - Discussion on SQL queries, editable interfaces in Workbench, and saving and running queries.
4:43 - Comparison of imperative and declarative programming languages, with SQL as an example of the latter.
7:07 - Steps to import the sample database into MySQL Workbench.
8:19 - Creation of a new database (lco films) after importing the SQL file.
9:59 - Demonstrating how to select data from a table using SQL queries.
11:36 - Explanation of the SELECT command in SQL for fetching rows from a table.
13:45 - Selecting specific columns from a table and aliasing column names in SQL.
16:35 - Using the DESCRIBE command to fetch details of a table in SQL.
17:44 - Filtering data in SQL using the WHERE clause.
19:04 - More on filtering data with different operators in SQL.
22:42 - Case sensitivity in string comparisons in SQL.
25:46 - Using the LIKE operator in SQL for substring, prefix, and suffix matching.
31:47 - Ordering and sorting data in SQL using the ORDER BY clause.
35:44 - Custom multi-column ordering in SQL.
39:16 - Combining filtering and sorting in SQL queries.
40:58 - Implementing pagination in SQL with LIMIT and OFFSET operators.
48:53 - Updating data in SQL using the UPDATE command.
51:17 - Deleting data in SQL with the DELETE command.
55:23 - Conclusion of the SQL tutorial with emphasis on deletion operations.

🔥 Stay tuned for more videos on web development, JavaScript frameworks, and much more!

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