7 Security Mindsets to Adopt Today

Описание к видео 7 Security Mindsets to Adopt Today

It can be easy to get caught up in thinking if you just had that new shiny device, your network security burden would be lighter. The reality is that no one device can solve your problem, and these days it takes a completely new perspective to tackle security in the real world. In this presentation, we'll discuss seven security mindsets - some new, some old - and how they can help you make smarter, more practical decisions about protecting your network.

Ted Gruenloh, Director of Operations at Sentinel IPS

Ted has worked with web and network security technologies for more than 15 years. He began his career in technology as a full-stack engineer in web development and design. As Director of Operations, Ted guides the overall development of Sentinel IPS, the CINS Active Threat Intelligence System, and all other supporting technologies. You may also find him presenting at a trade show or information security conference, spreading the word about shared threat intelligence.

One of Sentinel’s first employees, Ted is not afraid to get his hands dirty supporting Sentinel customers or lending a hand in Sentinel software development. Ted received his Bachelor of Business Administration from the University of Iowa (Go Hawks!) and his Master of Education (Secondary Mathematics) from the University of North Texas.

He resides in the DFW area with his wife and two sons, which keep him busy on seemingly every ball field, basketball court, and Boy Scout campground in the North Texas area. He can also be found swinging a hammer for Habitat for Humanity or riding his beloved bicycle for Team in Training.


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