Jefferson County residents divided over the extension of mask mandate

Описание к видео Jefferson County residents divided over the extension of mask mandate

JEFFERSON COUNTY, Mo. — The mask mandate in Jefferson County will be in place through March 25. And county residents said they are just as divided as the board members, who voted 3-2 on Thursday to extend it.

Health officials said the mask mandate has been working. The county reported 183 COVID-19 cases last week -- the lowest since July.

The mask mandate applies to people 10 years and older, when they are indoors, and cannot maintain social distancing of 6 feet apart.

Health director Kelley Vollmar said having masks in place has proved to be a good tool. She said it has helped county officials get a handle on the coronavirus.

However, board member Suzy Davis said she is opposed to the mask mandate, and she said she hears from a lot of constituents who also oppose it.
County residents are also divided.

“Well, it’s not over yet. I know a lot of people don’t think it’s bad, but it is,” resident Steven Snyder said.

Linda Bozada said breathing through a mask is difficult with asthma.

“It just throws me,” said Bozada. “I have to leave the store, sometimes, because I can’t breathe well.”

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