The BEST *STRIKER TANK LEGENDARY BUILD* For Solo Players in The Division 2! (2024)

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Intro 0:00
Build Overview 1:13
Striker Build Breakdown 2:32
Memento Backpack 3:25
Pros & Cons 7:15
Outro 7:49

Hello guys, welcome back to another division 2 video. Today, I'm gonna be breaking down a very powerful build for you guys. So, this is a striker tank DPS build that I recently put together. And I was just thinking, you know, striker is easily the strongest gearset in the division 2 right? So why not set up a striker build with full armor, to add more survivability, right? because striker is such a strong gearset, that even if your critical hit damage is fairly low, you will still put out great damage. But, I didn't just roll all blue-core armor for all my pieces. There is one exotic piece that I'm using, to add even more survivability as well as weapon damage, and I'll explain how the build works and why I set it up the way I did.

So this is the ideal build to use if you would like to solo legendary missions. The survivability is great, and I was honestly blown away by how well it performed in the legendary district union mission I did earlier. So it worked a lot better than I had anticipated. Even after the nerf to striker that's coming with the next big update, I feel that striker will still be top dog.

For the primary weapon, I'm using the saint elmo's engine exotic assault rifle. This weapon will be getting a nerf in the next big update, but it won't be that extreme, at least in my opinion. But for those who don't know or may just be curious, both critical hit chance and damage will be reduced from 20% to 15%, and weapon handling will be reduced from 20% to 10%. So weapon handling will take a major hit, but I think if they were to reduce the critical hit chance and damage to 10%, that would probably have a major impact, but I don't know, let me know what you guys think in the comment section, I'm curious.

Okay, so this is a four-piece striker build with the exotic memento backpack. And what's great about this backpack is not only does it come with all three major core attributes, so weapon damage, armor, and skill tier, but, it's the talent, kill confirmed. I know many of you may already know how this talent works, but for those who are new, let me briefly explain. Enemies you kill drop a trophy on death. Collecting these trophies will give you a short and long-term buff. The short-term buff you receive will scale with the number of core attributes you have equipped. So since the memento bag comes with all three major core attributes, by default, you will be getting 5% weapon damage, 10% bonus armor, and 5% skill efficiency.

Okay guys, i'll quickly go over the pros and cons of this build while showing gameplay. And one of the major pros of this build, is the survivability aspect. Having the memento backpack plays a crucial role in survivability, however, one downside is having to collect those trophies initially to build up those stacks and get the benefits of it, as well as building up your striker stacks. So you won't be dealing out an insane amount of damage right away. However, it's not too difficult to build your stacks. In this legendary Roosevelt mission, I actually got full memento stacks after clearing this first section.

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