Let Go & Surrender To Love | 432 Hz Soft Music For Self-Care | Awaken Your Self-Love & Heal Deeply

Описание к видео Let Go & Surrender To Love | 432 Hz Soft Music For Self-Care | Awaken Your Self-Love & Heal Deeply

Let Go & Surrender To Love | | 432 Hz Soft Music For Self-Care | Awaken Your Self-Love & Heal Deeply With This Beautiful 432 Hz Earth Frequency Music🌺💗 When we heal and surrender to love, we feel whole, loving, confident, wild, sensual, intuitive, creative, and in deep surrender to life.

Welcome, Dear Soul. We present this soft and calming 432 Hz music for self-love and self-care, to assist our listeners in healing. 432 Hz corresponds to the natural frequency of the Earth’s vibrations. Let this beautiful, relaxing, and grounding music assist you to connect to and awaken your Divine feminine energy.

🌺💗 Exercise/ meditation to anchor in love💗🌺

Start this exercise by standing up and rolling/moving your hips and belly in a way that comes naturally to you. Place one hand on your belly and one hand on your heart. Now breathe and move. Feel your body and presence awaken with each conscious breath and movement.

When you have made contact with your body through physical movement, sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

With each inhale imagine a green light flowing from the heart all the way down to the womb.

Affirm: I am loved.

With each exhale imagine a red light flow from your womb and up to your heart,

Affirm: I am safe.

Do this for as long as it feels needed in one session, repeat for 21 days for astonishing results.💗

🌺💗Affirmations to support you further💗🌺

I am loved. I am safe. I am present.

I allow myself to enter into a space of deep surrender and trust.
I am guided, held, and loved on my journey of healing.

I surrender the need to know and the need to control.
I am okay with not knowing right now.

I trust the Divine intelligence that flows through all of life.

I am transforming my resistance to change into deep surrender.
I am safe and all will work out for my highest good.

I am flowing with my inner seasons.
Just as every winter will turn into spring, so will my fear and pain turn into ease and joy again.

I am coming home to my essence as Love.
I am surrendering into my deepest truth – I AM LOVE.

Repeat for 21 days to experience astonishing results💗


✨💗Download our music for unlimited offline listening💗✨


✨🌸Royalty-Free Music Chillvibration.com🌸✨

We run a Royalty-free music store Chillvibration.com where we upload the music we post here on our YouTube channel Self-Healing Collective as Royalty-free songs.

With a royalty-free license, you can use our music in your next guided meditation project, as background music on your own YouTube channel, for your podcast, video game etc.

You can buy royalty-free licenses to our music at Chillvibration.com:



The Solfeggio frequencies make up an ancient 6-tone audio scale that is said to date back to biblical times and carry divine-like properties. In recent times, each frequency has been found to carry a specific set of healing, wellbeing and spiritual benefits that it affords the listener.

These include DNA repair, relief from past traumas and opening the soul to spiritual experiences.

This music is tuned in the deep healing frequency of 432 HZ.

🌸 Learn more about the healing Solfeggio frequencies🌸



💚About Meditation💚


🙏About Prayer🙏




We at Self-Healing Collective have a deep passion for music, spirituality, prayer, mindfulness, nature, healing, and creativity. We wish to inspire and create a peaceful and safe space here on Youtube for self-healing, spiritual growth, prayer, meditation, and divine connection through our music and visual content.

What we wish for you:
Inner peace, healing, positive growth, purpose, understanding, and connections.

What we believe in:
The love of God, Power of the mind, spirituality, growth, oneness, meditation, wisdom.

What we stand for:
Empowerment through self-healing and that all of us have great power within.

What we support:
Everything that promotes health, personal, physical, and spiritual growth.

What we care about:
The evolution of our people and the direction we are going collectively as a species. We wish to assist the earth in raising the collective vibration. We care about and love the planet that is our home.

We support you on your path of self-discovery and growth.
Our spirit greets yours.
Infinite love to all,
Christine & Hanne.


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