Why You're Not Getting a Job After you Graduate

Описание к видео Why You're Not Getting a Job After you Graduate

Securing your dream job is tough. HG is working on a career focused coaching program that is designed to help you, not your employer. Stay Updated Here: https://bit.ly/375JXgi

▼ Timestamps ▼
00:00 - Introduction
00:19 - Reddit Post
01:49 - This is a common problem
05:30 - Where are these thoughts coming from?
07:52 - You're not really very qualified
14:24 - "I'm unemployable"
18:35 - "I knew it"
22:29 - What to say in your applications
29:55 - Get some feedback
34:56 - Summary

Today Doctor. K talks about being unemployed after graduation, why you feel like you're unemployable, what to do when unemployable, how to get a job, what to say in a job interview, how to get feedback, my degree is worthless, what to do with a worthless degree, wasting time in college, and more!


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