Hold My Dualshock breaks 4 Hour Live Stream Record, Zack Snyder loves Tobey's Spider-Man and More

Описание к видео Hold My Dualshock breaks 4 Hour Live Stream Record, Zack Snyder loves Tobey's Spider-Man and More

Evening my fellow Youtubers. Let's discuss the following;

1. Hold My Dualshock Reviews has broken a 4 hour live stream record. Congrats to them.

2. Not everyone in the live stream agrees with everything, especially on what we want regarding the restoration and the continuation of the DCEU

3. Turns out Zack Snyder is a fan of Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man and his favorite movie is Spider-Man 2 2004

4. More on why we must get a live action Superman movie with Brainiac, Supergirl and Silver Banshee in it like Man of Steel 2 and why it should not rehash so much of what we've seen in previous live action shows and films, why we need the comics to help make creative story telling in movies much easier and not keep recycling so much of the same characters

5. Why I enjoy watching people's Spider-Man 2 PS5 Venom Gameplay reactions

6. Hawkeye Season 2 confirmed

and 7. Lasher as the villain for Venom 3: The Last Dance


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