pontiac [multifandom]

Описание к видео pontiac [multifandom]

(this is maybe the most niche video i've ever made, and the intended audience is one person, but i hope all of you guys can find something you enjoy in this.)

if not, keep in mind not all of these are my fandoms because i made this for my best friend's birthday. :') but some of them are new fandoms i intend to dive into someday.

GIRL, WE HAVE BEEN BEST FRIENDS FOR 22 YEARS. that's longer than a lot of human beings have been alive. ;___; i love you; you're my favorite person.

Fun notes from my editing adventures:

I mostly tried to edit things we’ve watched together, with an emphasis on the recent stuff – that’s why there’s just so much DC in here oops. They took over the whole bridge with all the ships. Happy DC birthday, I guess.

I also put some stuff that only you’ve seen or are more fond of than me. And maybe some stuff I like better than you, like Lego Batman, but most of it is a both of us thing or a just you thing.

I tried to include Sherlock, but all the compilations were just Johnlock edits, and one was a compilation of “Watson’s best scenes” that was literally just two scenes. I thought that was hilarious, but alas, it did not help me in editing.

A lot of these are clips off of yt because I either couldn’t find downloads of the full things, or knew I would never edit them again, so excuse the quality discrepancies pleeeease.

I used episodes of The Batman and Justice League that we haven’t watched together yet, so oops. :’)

I never thought I’d use Vision in a video for you but here we are lololol.

Some of these lyric matches aren’t direct, but I hope you get them? I was trying to make it *personal*.

There are no remotely good quality clips of the 1999 Annie, so I’m sorryyyy. She didn't make it.

I forgot the Batman TAS episodes don’t have audio, so I had to go to great lengths to get the best quote of all time, but it is here.

Scrolling through the Snyder Cut to find Diana and Alfred hanging out was like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

Thanks for sending me your top 10 movies list like a week after I asked. :') I just used it to double check. I think I got 7/10 so yay! Plus a bunch of other stuff.

I HOPE YOU HAVE A GREAT BIRTHDAY, AND WELCOME TO YOUR 30s! Congrats on being old as dirt. As Peter would say, "It was too far. He was just too old."


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