Addiction – don’t let the bear catch you | Steve Gill | TEDxStanleyPark

Описание к видео Addiction – don’t let the bear catch you | Steve Gill | TEDxStanleyPark

Addiction is universal and costs individuals, families and societies dearly. Around the world addicts are told that their recovery is up to them. But, with low self-esteem, they couldn’t care less about themselves. Not surprisingly, these addiction recovery approaches have a dreadful success rate. I learned a better way to recovery from addictions on the hard anvil of my personal experience.

Steve Gill is a peak performance results coach specializing in drug and alcohol addiction. His mission in life is to empower others to make massive shifts and find their purpose. He can be reached at [email protected]

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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