Orchard Kids // Mark

Описание к видео Orchard Kids // Mark

Today as Jesus was going along on His journey, a man ran up to him and knelt before Him, asking, "Good teacher, what must I do to have eternal life?” Jesus reminds him that “No one is good except for God.” Jesus starts talking to the man about the law, or commandments. He reminds the man of things he was supposed to do. The man told Jesus that he had obeyed all of God’s rules since he was a child. Jesus looked at the man and felt love for him. The kind of love that is not earned by doing what is right and following all the rules but… the kind of love that God showed us by giving us Jesus to take our sins. This ruler was a good man, but he felt within his heart that something was missing. Jesus told the man that he was missing one thing. He told the man to go and sell all that he had and give the money to the poor.

Jesus said, “Do this one thing and then come FOLLOW me.” The man was very sad because he had many things and he didn’t want to let them go.
Jesus told the disciples that it is hard for people that have a lot of things to enter the kingdom of God. He then said it was hard for anyone to enter into heaven. In fact He said it was so hard that it was actually easier for a big camel to go through the tiny eye or tip of a needle. His disciples asked who then could be saved? Jesus told them all things are possible with God. It is God and God alone who can make it possible to enter God’s kingdom. It is what He does, not what we do. He sent Jesus to take away our sin by dying on the cross and then coming back to life. Believing in Him and what He did is what makes it possible to enter His kingdom.


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