Personalization in Human-Robot Interaction through Preference-based Action Representation Learning

Описание к видео Personalization in Human-Robot Interaction through Preference-based Action Representation Learning

This is a supplementary video for the paper, titled "Personalization in Human-Robot Interaction through Preference-based Action Representation Learning", by Ruiqi Wang*, Dezhong Zhao*, Dayoon Suh, Ziqin Yuan, Guohua Chen, and Byung-Cheol Min (*:Equal Contribution).

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Abstract: Preference-based reinforcement learning (PbRL) has shown significant promise for personalization in human-robot interaction (HRI) by explicitly integrating human preferences into the robot learning process. However, existing practices often require training a personalized robot policy from scratch, resulting in inefficient use of human feedback. In this paper, we propose preference-based action representation learning (PbARL), an efficient fine-tuning method that decouples common task structure from preference by leveraging pre-trained robot policies. Instead of directly fine-tuning the pre-trained policy with human preference, PbARL uses it as a reference for an action representation learning task that maximizes the mutual information between the pre-trained source domain and the target user preference-aligned domain. This approach allows the robot to personalize its behaviors while preserving original task performance and eliminates the need for extensive prior information from the source domain, thereby enhancing efficiency and practicality in real-world HRI scenarios. Empirical results on the Assistive Gym benchmark and a real-world user study (N=8) demonstrate the benefits of our method compared to state-of-the-art approaches.


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