
Описание к видео #糯米飯

   • 淮山海魚湯🐟🥣👍女性飲咗💃養顏青春 皮膚靚🥳 細路仔飲咗🧒腦筋靈活🧠強骨健...  

⬇⬇English recipe follows⬇⬇


1. 放3膠嘜糯米在1個大碗,浸水1小時。
2. 臘腸和臘肉用大滾水出水1分鐘,以去除表面污垢。
3. 蝦米洗乾淨,用水浸2分鐘。
4. 冬菇浸軟後,除蒂切粒。
5. 洗淨芫荽、蔥。
6. 蔥切粒,芫荽頭切粒,保留尾部。
7. 臘腸切一片片。
8. 臘肉去皮,切粒。
9. 糯米浸了半小時後,換水再繼續浸。

1. 預熱電飯煲。
2. 打2隻雞蛋在碗內備用。
3. 放油在電飯煲內,放入蛋漿煎成奄列,切蛋絲放一邊備用。
4. 順序放臘腸、蝦米、冬菇入電飯煲內略炒,煮一會兒。
5. 洗乾淨糯米,盡量隔乾水。
6. 將糯米倒入電飯煲內,略攪勻,放半膠嘜水,攪勻,冚蓋煮10分鐘。
7. 糯米仍然是半生半熟,再放半膠嘜水入煲內攪勻,冚蓋又煮10分鐘。
8. 試試飯的口感,如果覺得硬,再加1/3膠嘜的水,冚蓋再煮10分鐘左右。
9. 再試試飯的口感,無問題的話,就加1湯匙糖、1湯匙鮑魚汁,攪勻。加1湯匙豉油,令其顏色更好。
10. 放芫荽、蔥粒攪勻。
11. 再煮3分鐘,完成程序。
12. 糯米飯上碟後,放上蛋絲,芫荽尾及蔥粒,完成。

Glutinous rice
(by rice cooker)

Glutinous 3 measure
rice cups
Preserved 1 No.
pork belly
Chinese 2 Nos.
Mushrooms 3 Nos.
Dried sea 2 tbsp
Coriander 1 No.
Green onion 1 No.

1. Soak 3 measure cups of glutinous rice into a big bowl for 1 hour.
2. Boil the Chinese sausage and preserved pork belly in hot water water to remove dirts on them.
3. Wash the dried sea shrimps, soak in water for 2 minutes.
4. Cut the stem and dice the mushrooms after they have been softened in water.
5. Rinse the coriander and green onion.
6. Dice the green onion. Dice the top part of the coriander, retain the bottom part of it.
7. Cut the Chinese sausages in pieces.
8. Dice the preserved pork belly after removing the skin of it.
9. Continue to soak in water after changing water for every 1/2 hour.

1. Preheat the rice cooker.
2. Beat 2 eggs into a bowl.
3. Put oil into the cooker, fry eggs into omelette. Slice it on side.
4. Put the Chinese sausage, dried sea shrimps and mushrooms in order in the cooker. Stir fry them for a while.
5. Rinse the glutinous rice, hang dry as much as you can.
6. Put the glutinous rice into the rice cooker, stir fry slowly, put 1/2 measure cup of water, stir again, cook 10 minutes with the lid shut.
7. The glutinous rice is not yet cooked completely, put 1/2 measure cup in the cooker, stir well, cook 10 minutes with the lid shut.
8. Check the taste of the rice, add 1/3 measure cup if you feel it is tough. Cook for 10 minutes more with the lid shut.
9. Check the taste of the rice, if it is OK, add 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tbsp abalone sauce, mix well. Then put 1 tbsp ligh soya sauce on the rice, makes it look better.
10. Put coriander and green onion, mix well.
11. Cook 3 minutes more, process completed.
12. Put the glutinous rice on plate, put egg slices, coriander cube and green onion cube on top, serve.

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