How To EMP Proof Your Bunker, Home or Car For $299

Описание к видео How To EMP Proof Your Bunker, Home or Car For $299

Ron introduces the EMP shield and is offering a $50 voucher coupon to help save you money on this device that will protect you from lightning strikes HEMP or CME.

Email: [email protected] and request $50 voucher for the EMP Shield.
Call: 1-323-727-0784 to get it over the phone verbally.

Click here to get $50 OFF each EMP Shield Product -

To order your Survival Food visit:

Atlas Survival Shelters
7407 Telegraph Road,
Montebello, CA 90640
(323) 727-7084

Website -

Ron Hubbard
President/CEO & Founder
Email - [email protected]

On Facebook -   / 396118537110586  


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