LIVE] Black Desert Online: [Life][Leap] Part 4

Описание к видео LIVE] Black Desert Online: [Life][Leap] Part 4

LIVE] Black Desert Online: [Life][Leap] Part 4
Costume: [Shai] Curious Gatherer Outfit Set


Black Desert Online (PC)
Graphic: Remaster Mode
[Check] Performance Optimization
In Game Volume 100
Music Volume 5
[Uncheck] Nearby Music
Game Window Settings: Fullscreen Window
AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution 1.0 (Ultra Quality)

OBS Studio
Output Mode: Advanced
Encoder: NVIDIA NVENC H.264 (new)
Rate Control: CBR
Video Bitrate: 51,000 kbps
Keyframe Interval (secend, 0=auto): 2
Preset: P5: Slow (Good Quality)
Profile: High [Check] Psycho Visual Tuning
GPU: 0
Max B-frames: 2
Audio Bitrate: 320
Sample Rate: 48 kHz
Channel: Stereo
Downscale Filter: Lanczos (Sharpened scaling, 36 samples)
Common FPS Values: 60
Audio Mix
Destop Audio: 100 %
Mic/Aux: 100% (+12 dB)
Window Capture
Capture Method: Windows 10 (1903 and up)
Window Match Priority: Match title, otherwise find window of same type
[Check] Capture Cursor
[Check] Client Area
Video Capture Device: (Effect Filters: Colour Correction = Brightness -0.0150)

Realtek Audio Console
Speaker 7.1 Visual 192000Hz 32Bits
[Disable] Digital Output
Microphone 192000Hz 24Bits Volume 100% (Boost +10 dB)
[On] AEC removes the acoustic echo coupled into the microphones from the loudspeaker output thru air.

Sound Control Panel
[Check] Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device
[Uncheck] Give exclusive mode applications priority
[Check] Enable audio enhancements

Sound Blaster Connect
Surround 100
Crystalizer 100
Bass 10
Smart VOL: Volume 74
DIALOG+: Volume 0 and Off
Game (31 Hz +2 dB, 62 Hz +3 dB, 125 Hz -1 dB, 1k Hz +2 dB, 2k Hz +2 dB, 8k Hz +1 dB, 16k Hz -5 dB and Other 0 dB)

Camera: Microsoft LifeCam HD-3000

LAMPTAN LED FIT IN DOWNLIGHT (12W 2,700K Warm White 960 Lumen)
LED bulb tall 160 cm. Distance 15 cm. and Angle 45 Degree from be hind Camera. Direction of Light x45, y-45.

PaeNature Channel


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