Primary Series I Day 105 Urdhva padmasana in Sirsasana I 108 vinyasa flow I 108 Days

Описание к видео Primary Series I Day 105 Urdhva padmasana in Sirsasana I 108 vinyasa flow I 108 Days

In Ancient age, it is said that many Rishi’s performed this pose for “Tapasya” (Austerity), Aghoris practice with the affection towards celibacy (Brahmacharya), I love this pose as it helps me stay in sirsanana for long, relaxing my hip flexor. Balancing a long stick ( sirsasana) is difficult, by adding padmasana the stick is shorter and the pose becomes effortless.
Practicing the pose for more than 52 breathing improves the breathing capacity
Lotus Pose in Headstand gives all the benefits of classical headstand or you get the same benefits like Sirsasana.
Beneficial in many nervous related problems and in glandular disorders also.
Urdhva Padmasana can help to improve memory and remove tiredness during mental work.
Lotus Pose in Headstand Kick out tiredness and improves your memory
Good for your brain, coz the flow of blood is increased towards brain during this pose

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   • Primary Series I 108 Vinyasas I 108 Day

  / vijayrampals  


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