SCLF Webinar 36 Introduction to Duty of Care & Waste Classification | 26 October 2023

Описание к видео SCLF Webinar 36 Introduction to Duty of Care & Waste Classification | 26 October 2023

The aim of this webinar is to help explain what a waste producers Duty of Care responsibilities are and to provide an introduction into how waste soil should be classified in accordance with WM3 guidance.

This webinar was presented by Andrew Howlett, a Project Director at Albion Environmental Ltd. Andrew is an environmental consultant and project manager with over 16 years’ experience in the environmental and waste management sector. Albion Environmental Limited is a consultancy based in Ayr, specialising in waste management, environmental, health and safety solutions. Andrew’s experience includes contaminated land assessments and he specialises in the classification and management of waste soils.


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