SCIENCE OF REJECTION DYSPHORIA: The Emotional Impact Of Family Trauma

Описание к видео SCIENCE OF REJECTION DYSPHORIA: The Emotional Impact Of Family Trauma

Have you ever heard of the term: Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria?

Fear of rejection can truly disrupt your life because of circumstances that can make you more sensitive to rejection.

One example of this would be unresolved family or relationship trauma.

While some people can be rejected and move on as if nothing actually happened, that isn't always easy for someone who has emerged from a very toxic family dynamic where trauma, family trauma, and CPTSD has occured.

If your family is unhealthy or is unable to experience and then process family trauma, you may go on to have adult relationships where any ounce of criticism, judgment, or normal and natural inquiry about who you are can immediately feel like rejection or dislike.

But just because it feels like rejection, doesn't mean it truly is. Understanding your sensitivities and possibly even unresolved CPTSD can help you cope a lot better.

#trauma #tamarahilllpc #FAMILYTRAUMA


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