Gecko WW2 British Landing Craft Assault Diorama D-Day 80 Anniversary – Completion

Описание к видео Gecko WW2 British Landing Craft Assault Diorama D-Day 80 Anniversary – Completion

Welcome to all my new and old subscribers.
This is my late update for the D-Day 80th Anniversary Group Build hosted by our good friend Charlie Mac @charlie418791. This is too late for entry, but I was never any good at meeting deadlines.
Thanks to everyone out there for subscribing to my channel. I am really grateful for your support and comments. Cheers Bob
#80DDayAnniversaryGB #GoldBeach #47Commando #Gecko #1/35 #35GM0080 #LCA #Italeri #MTBCrew #Miniart #35165 #BritishOfficers #AKDiorama #AKResinWater #nightshift


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