Alexandria Sounds & Music Library: Other Take Vol.2 Sample Pack - Free Download

Описание к видео Alexandria Sounds & Music Library: Other Take Vol.2 Sample Pack - Free Download

Alexandria Sounds & Music Library: Other Take Vol.2

Is Back: 10 ideas that were going to be eliminated, but we believe that you can make these simple pieces beats. Simple, flat, raw and dirty vibes you will find in these 10 compositions.

Free download but not royalty free:

Site: https://alexandriasnmlibrary.gumroad....
IG:   / alexandriamusiclibrary  
Contact: [email protected]

Alexandria Sounds And Music Library is a collection of original musical compositions and master recordings (samples) created by music producer and composer, Viewty. Master and Publishing Clearances are guaranteed for the commercial (or promotional) use of any of these materials in the Alexandria Sounds And Music Library subject to our good faith negotiation with you on the terms which shall be based on our discretion with respect to the size and manner of use of the sample in question in your new work.


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