Yoinking that POTG | Moira/Illari Gameplay | Plat to Masters Grind Ep. 8 | Overwatch 2 Competitive

Описание к видео Yoinking that POTG | Moira/Illari Gameplay | Plat to Masters Grind Ep. 8 | Overwatch 2 Competitive

This episode: This is the last of my slightly lower quality videos. After this, I will be uploading single or double game videos with much better quality. Coincidentally, I got POTG for all three of these games! Please don't judge my Illari gameplay too harshly, I only have about 1 hour on her.

About me:
Hi all, my name is Cruce (Kroo-ss)
I am a past grandmaster support main in Overwatch 1 and Master 1 peak in Overwatch 2. Recently, I took a few months off of the game. After rank reset, I was placed in platinum and now I'm grinding to get back to where I belong.

I decided to record this journey as I solo q support.


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