Programmable automatic DIY pill/food dispenser (for pets)

Описание к видео Programmable automatic DIY pill/food dispenser (for pets)

This 3D printed DIY automatic pill/food dispenser can be programmed at a specific time to provide food or medication once a day.

Based on an ESP32 microcontroller, the device connects to your wifi network to keep the current time up to date.

3D printable files :

Code :

- PLA filament
- PCB (1 for the buttons, and 1 for the rest)
- A piece of Wood
- 2.9mm screws
- 1x ESP32 microcontroller (USB-C)
- 1x OLED display 128x32px
- 2x tactile switch buttons
- 2x 10kohm resistance
- wires
- 1x USB-C cable (more convenient with integrated switch)
- 1x 5v 1A USB alimentation
- 1x 9g servo motor (for bowl rotation)
- 1x 100uf capacitor (for servo motor)
- 1x IR sensor (Tells the program whether the bowl is open or closed)


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