Caregiver Speaker Elaine K Sanchez developed the CaregiverHelp Support Group Program to help people cope with the emotional stress of caring for individuals who are aging, disabled, or living with Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, Huntington's, and other progressive and degenerative diseases.
CaregiverHelp Support is a video-based caregiver support group program that can be delivered virtually, in live group settings, or as an individual self-paced program.
This video is from Module 2 of the CaregiverHelp Support Group Program. It addresses Frustration - one of the Three F's of Flipping Out. The other two F's covered in this module are Fear and Fatigue. The videos in this module, combined with the writing assignments in the CaregiverHelp Workbook, help caregivers recognize how experiencing Fear, Frustration, and Fatigue on a regular basis can lead to angry outbursts.
CaregiverHelp Support Group Program is a video-based support group program that can be delivered virtually, in live group settings, or as an individual self-paced program. It was developed
It is different from other caregiver support group programs in that the videos feature real-life caregiver stories that entertain and inform while providing strategies that help people manage the emotional stress of caring for those who cannot care for themselves.
Caregivers love it because they laugh more than they cry. Facilitators love it because the focused meeting agendas keep the meetings organized with no pre-planning required. Videos bring a consistent tone, empathy, and compassion to every meeting, and the stand-alone modules allow caregivers to join at any point in the program.
To learn more about dealing with Caregiver Fear, Frustration, and Fatigue, visit:
To sample the entire CaregiverHelp Support Group Program, go to:
Click on any "GET STARTED - IT'S FREE" tab for a free two-week trial. You can check out all of the caregiver videos, the Facilitator's Guide, and the agendas for each session with no obligation. No credit card is required.
If your organization is interested in providing a caregiver support group program that makes your caregivers feel validated, uplifted, and empowered to make self-care a priority, please contact Elaine K Sanchez, author, caregiver speaker, and founder of CaregiverHelp Support, for a demonstration.
Call: 503-949-2464
Email: [email protected]
Join Now:
CaregiverHelp Support Group Program includes:
More than 60+ caregiver videos
36-Page Printed Workbook
Facilitator Guide with step-by-step written and video instructions
There are 10 modules:
1. Getting Started––Intro to Creative Indifference
2. Three F’s of Flipping Out: Fear, Frustration, and Fatigue
3. Taming Your Anger Monster
4. Giving Caregiver Guilt the Boot
5. I'm Down and I Can't Get Up: Dealing with Depression
6. Coping with Caregiver Grief: Before & After Death
7. Ducks in a Row: Accepting Mortality
8. Dementia: Stress, Triggers, and Sundowning
9. Dementia: A Different Reality––Individuality, Sexuality, and Other Surprises
10. Self-Care is Not Selfish
If your organization is interested in providing a caregiver support group program that makes your caregivers feel validated, uplifted, and empowered to make self-care a priority, please contact Elaine K Sanchez, author, caregiver speaker, and founder of CaregiverHelp Support, for a demonstration.
Call: 503-949-2464
Email: [email protected]
Join Now:
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