Công nông khoẻ nhất hành tinh chở cát sa lầy cực căng thẳng || 70 year old man driving a sand truck

Описание к видео Công nông khoẻ nhất hành tinh chở cát sa lầy cực căng thẳng || 70 year old man driving a sand truck

70 year old man driving a sand truck | CÔNG nông chở cát , máy xúc múc cát | hieu excavator
#congnong #xecongnong #mayxuc #sandtruck #oldman
hello banjtreen all over the world, today I will introduce to you the homemade 3-wheeled AGONG car of a Vietnamese farmer, a very strong vehicle that transports sand and construction materials to the construction site, the man The 70-year-old man drives a sand truck to the field, an excavator scoops sand onto a 3-wheel farm truck, a sand truck, and a 3-wheel farm truck will look very dangerous when traveling in difficult, muddy fields swim
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