L'art de rester à la croisée des chemins | Jothi-Seroj Ebroussard | TEDxEMLYON

Описание к видео L'art de rester à la croisée des chemins | Jothi-Seroj Ebroussard | TEDxEMLYON

Jothi-Sèroj Ebroussard est, depuis toujours, un passionné. Son goût immodéré du beau l’a conduit à devenir sculpteur-joaillier, la branche la plus artistique et la plus confidentielle de la joaillerie.

Curieux de tout, des arts, de la géopolitique, de la géographie, depuis toujours, il est émerveillé par les objets précieux. Production ou design ? Ne pouvant pas choisir, Jothi décide de faire de son travaille une combinaison des deux. Dans un monde de dualités, cet artiste a fait le choix de créer son propre chemin.
Jothi-Sèroj Ebroussard has always been passionate about his work. His immoderate taste for beauty led him to become a sculptor-jeweller, the most artistic and confidential branch of jewellery.

Thanks to his dazzling career - he graduated from the Ecole Boulle at the age of 20, was honoured with his first royal commission at the age of 27, was exhibited at the Grand Palais at 28, and was exhibited at the Musée des Arts Décoratifs de Louvre at 32 - Jothi-Sèroj enjoys the reputation of a jewellery alchemist. Assisted by his team, this insatiable jack-of-all-trades draws, gouaches, sculpts and chisels the most sublime materials. But in search of a more personal approach, he is leaving Paris at the end of 2019 in order to diversify his activities while maintaining the excellence that characterises him. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx


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