"Poltergeist" Camera Moves & Why They Work (Film Analysis)

Описание к видео "Poltergeist" Camera Moves & Why They Work (Film Analysis)

Why not celebrate your Halloween by digging into Steven Spielberg produced Poltergeist? Go into the cinematography and how camera moves work to add a different dimension to the film.

How do dollys and cranes work to add to the story. Watching movies and breaking them down is a great cheap way to put yourself through an alternative to film school.

Get yourself thinking like a director by walking a mile in the shoes of some of Hollywood’s greatest movies. Appreciate this Halloween movie with us as we talk about the four most exciting movies camera shot clusters.

How to turn a dolly out into a this is an important object? What's the last threat until the final dolly out? The power of a simple dolly in to elevate tension to be later paid off in the scene.

Produced By: Steven Spielberg
Directed By: Tobe Hooper
Cinematographer: Matthew F. Leonetti


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