Cyprus Montage

Описание к видео Cyprus Montage

July to August 2022

Music used:
- Live in my head (Instrumental version) by Eldar Kedem
- First Date by 陳光榮
- Fantasy by Del

Kato Paphos Archaeological Park
- Palaipafos (Greek: old pafos)
- Remains dated back to 1200 BC, Built by the Mycenaeans Greece when they settled in Cyprus
- Nea Pafos were made Capital of the island by Ptolemies at the end of 200BC
- Disastrous earthquake at 400AD transfer the capital to Salamis (East part of the island)
- ~750AD, Arabs raids caused a period of decline
- The House of Dionysos occupies 2000sq. metres of which 556 are covered with mosaic floors
- The Villa of Theseus's large size, consisted of more than 100 rooms, suggests that the building was the residence of the governor of Cyprus.

Paphos Castle
• Built to protect the harbour during Byzantine period (vs the Arabs)
• Dismantled by the Venetians to prevent it used by the Ottomans Turks, Ottomans rebuilt what remains in 1592
• Hand over the administration of the island to British in 1878 by the Ottomans under the British-Ottomans secret treaty, in which British will protect Ottoman’s territorial sovereignty from Russia. Cyprus were under Ottoman sovereignty, but under British administration.
• In WW1, British-Ottomans were in opposite side, therefore annexed by Great Britain
• British use this as a salt store until 1935

Kourion Archaeological Site
• City-kingdom
• Its inhabitants believed they were descendants of Argean immigrants.
• Destroyed in a severe earthquake in 365 AD.
• Greco-Roman theatre was built in the 2nd century BC and extended in the 2nd century AD

Larnaca Salt Lake
• The second largest salt lake in Cyprus
• Fills with water and becomes rich in nutrients during the winter months, thousands of migrating birds stop over from between November to March, feeding on tiny brine shrimp
• Inhabited since the Late Bronze Age (2nd century BC)
• Throughout the Middle Ages, salt was so plentiful that it became one of the primary export commodities of Cyprus
• Salt was last harvested in 1986

Liberty Monument
- After Greece won the war for independence from Ottoman Empire in 1820, Greek Cypriots want unification with Greece “Enosis”
-Cyprus was annexed to Britain in WW1
-After WW2, independent movements are all over British colony. British wants to keep its military bases, Greek Cypriots want Enosis, Turkish Cypriots want to partition the island (taksim), No one want independence. British offer Cyprus self-government with British Sovereignty
- EOKA, a nationalist guerrilla was formed in 1955. Its aim is to end British rule and unification with Greece
- TMT, the Turkish resistance organisation consists of Turkish Cypriots minority was formed in 1958
- In 1959, leader of both side meet in London and wrote the Cyprus Constitution: (1) President has to be Greek; (2) Vice President has to be Turk; (3) House of Representatives: 30% Turk/70% Greek; (4) British keep their bases; (5) Ban the right to join any political or economical union; (6) Greece, Turkey and British can intervene to maintain the status quo
- In 1960, The Republic of Cyprus was established. 3 years later its first president, Archbishop Makarios III, proposed a number of changes for its constitution. The changes remove many rights of the Turkish minority and lead to ethnic violence between Greeks and the Turks. EOKA sought to get rid of the Turks, Causing hundreds of casualties on both sides. Turkish Cypriots were leaving their villages, many left the island, hundreds were hostage
(Side note:
London and Washington secretly agree the partition of the island, develop a back-up plan to encourage Turkey to invade Cyprus and take control of a pre-liniated portion of the island. It is because in the 60s is the height of Cold War. The then president of Cyprus made some controversy connection with the eastern bloc nation of the soviet zone of influence. Strong Turkey present in the island means NATO present in the island, therefore preventing an ally of soviet in the southern flank of NATO)
- In 1964, UN deploy a peacekeeping force to prevent a civil war and a potential war of Greece and Turkey, separating Nicosia into 2 communities
- In 1974, Cyprus National Guard overthrow the president under Athens support. Turkey made clear they will invade the island to “re-establishing the state of affairs” in the constitution. 5 Days later the coup, Turkish landed in Cyprus, capturing 3% of the island
- In 14th Aug 1974, 2nd invasion of Cyprus from Turkey. They take control of 37% of the island that made up 70% of the GDP.
- 1983, The Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) was proclaimed which only Turkey recognise.
- Liberty Monument was erected in 1973 to commemorate the release from prison in 1959 of EOKA fighters from British colonial rule.

Buyuk Han (The Great Inn)
• Completed in 1572
• Built to provide accommodation for travellers
• In the centre of the courtyard is a two-story prayer room (köşk mescidi)


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