Affirmations: Raising Your Love-Bliss Resonance.

Описание к видео Affirmations: Raising Your Love-Bliss Resonance.

Listen to this remastered affirmation track (originally created May 2016) to raise the love frequency. Download this track and listen often to reprogram your unconscious mind with more life affirming possibilities. As you do so you will find the energy of love flowing increasingly into your reality. This track comes to you care of Steve Ahnael Nobel.

"I am love. I am loved. I am loving. I am love. Love is a frequency, love is an energy, an energy flow and this high vibrational energy of love flows through me I am an open channel for love. I am spirit, I am divine. I AM completely in tune with the "I AM" presence of God within me. Christ consciousness within. This love is divine, I am Divine; I am being of love; the frequencies of love create healing and miracles in my life. I am love. I am loved. I am loving. I am love. "

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