Christian Spiritual Practice wth Cynthia Bourgeault |

Описание к видео Christian Spiritual Practice wth Cynthia Bourgeault |

“Christian Spiritual Practice with Cynthia Bourgeault “
Contemplation as Luminous Seeing

Explore how the simple gesture of letting go (of all thinking, observing, noticing during the time of prayer) paves the way to those two foundational prerequisites of nondual seeing: objectless awareness and attention of the heart.

Cynthia Bourgeault was joined by Quaker chant writer Paulette Meier to lead us into the actual experience of this deeper contemplative heart seeing.


Sacred Cosmos: Faith and Science
April 25-27, 2019

The 2019 festival explores the wisdom present at the intersection of faith and science. A diverse lineup of speakers and artists examine ancient and modern questions at the heart of human existence, investigate the space where reason and revelation co-exist, and engage with contemporary topics of concern through the teachings of enduring faith traditions.

Learn more at


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