"A NEW BEGIINNING!!" WWE 2K22 | MyRise | Episode 1

Описание к видео "A NEW BEGIINNING!!" WWE 2K22 | MyRise | Episode 1

Join me as we dive into a new WWE series here on the channel! I put myself into WWE 2K22 and we're going to go on some crazy adventures on our way to the top of the WWE in the all new WWE MyRise!

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Credit to @TheKillerDonuts for HCTP Soundtrack
Their Channel:    / thekillerdonuts  

MyRise shakes up the traditional MyCareer format and offers players over 50 hours of gameplay, which includes around 1,000 fights and two separate storylines. Players will create their superstars and progress through fights while shaping the character they want to portray using a crowd reaction system. This lets superstars turn face or heel seemingly based on their actions, making WWE 2K22's Career mode the most comprehensive yet in the franchise
#wwe2k22 #myrise #wwegames #gameplay


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