United Nations Class.5 Q/A | United Nations Class.5 Ch 21 Q/A | United Nations Class.5 |

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United Nations Class.5 Q/A
United Nations Class.5 Ch 21 Q/A
United Nations Class.5
United Nations Class.5th
United Nations Class.5th Q/A
the united nations class 5
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Class 5 United Nations is an important chapter for class 5 science or Class 5 EVS students. Organs of UN, Agencies of UN, UNICEF, UNESCO, WHO form the base of this chapter which is must to understand and learn.
Topics Covered:
1. The United Nations
2. Objectives of the UN
3. Principles of the UN
4. Organs of the UN
5. Agencies of the UN
8. WHO
9. Achievements of the UN
10. Some International Days
11. Important Questions
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