How to Get Zoysia Grass to Spread Faster in Your Yard

Описание к видео How to Get Zoysia Grass to Spread Faster in Your Yard

How to Get Zoysia Grass to Spread Faster in Your Yard. In this video, we are going to talk about how to get zoysia grass to spread faster in your yard.

Dethatch the Ground
If the ground has too many fallen leaves or old dead matter, it may be difficult for water and nutrients to penetrate through the roots.

Use a core or plug aerator.
Over time, the soil may have become compacted due to people walking on it, rain, or mowing. Compacted soil hinders air, nutrients, and oxygen from penetrating the grassroots.

Weekly deep watering
You may wonder why we need to deeply water Zoysia grass if it is drought-resistant. Well, the simple reason is that deeply watering the grass weekly will allow the roots to penetrate much deeper to access the water.

Use appropriate fertilizer
It may surprise some people, but not all nutrients benefit Zoysia grass. Some nutrients, like Nitrogen, help the grass grow thick and luscious. At the same time, culprits like phosphorus may hinder the grass from absorbing other

Mow the lawn
If the grass has started to establish, mow it, leaving at least 1 to 2 inches. This will allow the grass to spread faster. Once you are done, remove all the cut grass and clumps on the ground.


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