國立臺灣大學校歌 (National Taiwan University Song)

Описание к видео 國立臺灣大學校歌 (National Taiwan University Song)

臺大校歌為第二任文學院院長沈剛伯教授提出製作的,並將草擬之歌詞致呈錢思亮校長,經多次修正,於1963 年12 月17 日行政會議通過後,函請趙元任博士譜曲,1968 年12 月5日正式頒布校歌。

The idea of having a formal University Song was proposed by Professor Kang-po Shen when he was the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts. He gave the lyrics he drafted to the then President Ssu-liang Chien. After several revisions, the song was approved by the 896th Administrative Meeting, and Dr. Yuen-jen Chao, the famous composer, was invited to compose the melody. On December 5, 1968, the University Song finally came forth.


National Taiwan University website : http://www.ntu.edu.tw/


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