ALL 8 NEW CHEST and Tree Locations (Fortnite Battle Royale Christmas Update) | Tips and Tricks

Описание к видео ALL 8 NEW CHEST and Tree Locations (Fortnite Battle Royale Christmas Update) | Tips and Tricks

Welcome to all 8 new Christmas chests and their locations in Fortnite Battle Royale! Learn all 8 locations and strategies for each Christmas tree, getting you an easy win.

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Have a great day!

▼▼▼▼ LOOK ▼▼▼▼

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Christmas Tree Locations Time Stamps HERE:

#1 - 00:48
#2 - 01:54
#3 - 02:51
#4 - 04:02
#5 - 05:18
#6 - 07:28
#7 - 08:27
#8 - 10:12

About Fortnite Battle Royale:

Fortnite is an first-person poot and toot. Be careful not to get attacked by the giant cupcakes as you defend yourself from the incoming wave of small children. Choose from an assortment of pew pews such as the water gun, the musket, the blunderbus, and the musketbus. Build huge pantries to store all your turquoise valuables and remain vigilant while enemies tickle your weenus. Type MOIST into the comments if you are for some reason still reading this nonsense. Nobody reads this anyway so I can say whatever I want. Mom, I love you.

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