Vobster Quay Saturday 31st August 2024

Описание к видео Vobster Quay Saturday 31st August 2024

I know I say this a lot, but, yesterday was absolutely brilliant, it was a day of laughter and amazing fun, with great company and so much going on. It started in the carpark with "So what do you fancy doing?" and some idiot saying "I'd like to try navigating from the Water Tank to the Rescue Boat using my NERD" oh it was me! Last time I turned my head and the compass went doolally. Well by the time we'd all set up nobody suggested anything else so, Tag, I was it. We split into 2 groups, RobF, Marek and Adrian with Stephen and I leading. The plan: Get to the Water Tank, and I'd hand off the camera, drop into the pit, cross it, and come up on the Rescue Boat. If I said now, we were spot on and came up smack on the boat, I wouldn't be lying but then that also wouldn't tell the whole story, what actually happened was: We went past the Jaquelin, through the APC, the fallen Ladder, the Water Tank then I handed the camera to Rob, I hadn't realised he was ready to bin the dive due to a gurgling loop. I dropped over the edge turned to 315 degrees and set off, it's 58 metres across the Pit so I thought just concentrate on the number, I think I'd gone about 10 metres when the exorcist turned up, the compass went into overdrive, I tried to stop and get it under control but it wasn't having it, I ploughed on, it slowed, I stopped turned to 315, got another 10 metres or so, then it was back like a gyroscope, I think this time while trying to maintain the heading I ascended about 5 metres, I dropped back down and followed 315 got back on course when it did it a third time, I threw my arms up, I went from giggling to full blown laughing out loud, found 315 again just as I hit the wall and right on the cables which lead to the tyre and the Rescue Boat. Now in the middle of all of this Marek watched me going up, he looked up and lost all his buoyancy from his suit and plunged into the silt, of course I never seen any of it but we planned the dive and dived the plan, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. From there we went to the Pevril Pride, the Caravan, the Wheelhouse were Rob launched his DSMB with his new 3D printed handle only for Marek to get out the water with Rob's old handle which he'd picked up off the side from the entrance slipway.
There were Coconut Macaroons, mini Swiss Rolls, Viscounts and Mareks wafer things I think.
There was another bright idea for dive 2, fin backwards up the Tunnel, the same idiot suggested this too. We went to the planes, some went under the wing, through the Glider Trailor, past the Archaeological site, over the edge, followed the wall to the Sophia, went past the Crushing works and went up the Tunnel backwards, its knackering, during the night I knew all about it with cramp in places I didn't realise could cramp up. You may notice on the video that there's no Dive 2, I think what happened was that, as I don't look at the screen during the dive I may well have replayed dive 1, instead of recording Dive 2, as I only glanced to make sure there was a moving image, but it certainly didn't record the second dive, oh well, it's another thing to add to my senility. It really was a fantastic morning, next time it's got to be the compass on the bungee, here's the video:


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