Mellabes Iron - Clouds Are Grey

Описание к видео Mellabes Iron - Clouds Are Grey

New song from the next album (coming soon) by Mellabes Iron
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Apple Music:

Official video clip for this track will be released at April 2019 and will be launched on MellabesVEVO

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Lyrics by Shmulik Perry R.I.P (1976-2018)
Music by Mellabes Iron (2019)
So lately things are kind of different.
My old concerns became my hopes.
You know, I’m happy when the blues,
is chasing after, leave no crumbs
to save.

So maybe now, your mind is open,
"It might enjoy it", me, I’m totally there.
Just keep in mind, the fuss is lurking,
No matter what, it ends with tears.

Clouds are gray,
I’m wild at heart,
no one to blame,
so (you) just try keep it sharp.

Rhyme the scene, ain’t care about the manners, tide or habits. Who’s to say if my way’s right or maybe days will show
It’s only dreams ,I saved for myself

C - Part
Well lately things became bit strange
We both as one forgot last page.
Letting faith to write our next one
Just skating ice & rolling dice /

Clouds are gray,
I’m wild at heart,
no one to blame,
so (you) just try keep it sharp.

מילים: שמוליק פרי ז"ל
לחן: מלאבס איירון

#Mellabes #New #2019 #Music #Melabes #Rock


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