Frederic Beigbeder is a French writer, TV host, and literary critic. Today we discuss which books can help us cope with isolation, which books to read to predict the future, what French and Russian writers have in common, and when we will become posthuman.
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Notes from Underground:
A Journey Round My Room:
The Minority Report:
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?:
Time Out of Joint:
A Life Without End:
The Man In A Case:
0:00 – Intro
0:49 – Role of literature
1:54 – Book recommendations
3:22 – Inspiring books
4:50 – Can modern writers predict the future?
6:10 – On immortality
8:08 – Border between the human and the post-human
10:18 – Privacy vs self-development
11:32 – Future of privacy
14:11 – Will reading go away in future?
15:28 – How books change you
16:56 – Favorite authors from the past
19:50 – Modern writers
22:24 – Like Bunin
28:05 – Frederic's new book
29:35 – Tolstoy or Dostoevsky
#Beigbeder #Literature #Frederic
frederic beigbeder, frederic, beigbeder, books, read, reading, literature, book, booktube, classics, victor hugo, dostoevsky, tolstoy, marcel proust, russian literature, modern literature, science fiction, fiction, covid 19, transhumanism, posthuman, posthumanism, privacy, neuralink, elon musk, immortality, immortal, aging, isolation, social network, social distancing, video podcast, video interview
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