Silverstone - F1000 Onboard - Race 1 - lockups and overtakes

Описание к видео Silverstone - F1000 Onboard - Race 1 - lockups and overtakes

My first time racing at Silverstone! Wow what a weekend this was. Testing on Friday was pouring rain through to sun and a bone dry track by the end of the day.

I qualified P18/20 on Saturday which I was happy with, not being on the back row.

The race went well, held my position on track even after locking up and going off the track into T3, got excited and got on the brakes too late. Conscious of the cost of these cars to myself, the team and other drivers, it's a fine line balancing confidence in yourself and the risk of emptying the racing fund during only the second race.

Happy to finish the race P18 on track but P16 after penalties to other drivers. I can be faster though and will keep listening to the wise words of faster drivers (thank you, Tom Gadd) to improve.

I'm learning a lot both on and off the track, editing "skills" are coming on a lot, so please enjoy the debut of the telemetry data to see speed and G force.

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