COMPACT DEFENSIVE BLADE || LION Earth Flaxeed Defensive || Test and Review

Описание к видео COMPACT DEFENSIVE BLADE || LION Earth Flaxeed Defensive || Test and Review

in my opinion this blade:
The handle is very comfortable, fits in the hand. neither too big nor too small
Build quality is very good and neat, thus reducing the risk of splintering
too slow to play offensively
It is very suitable for playing defensively because it has very large control, but can be used quite freely because of its compact size
For long-pips players, OX or processed pips will be able to absorb the ball maximally, because the construction and thickness which tends to be very thin makes this blade able to dampen the ball from the opponent.

menurut saya blade ini:
handle sangat nyaman, pas di genggaman tangan. tidak terlalu besar ataupun kecil
build quality sangat bagus dan rapih sehingga mengurangi resiko splinter
terlalu pelan untuk bermain menyerang
sangat cocok untuk bermain bertahan karena memiliki kontrol yang sangat besar, namun dapat digunakan dengan cukup leluasa karena ukuran nya yg compact
untul pemain bintik panjang, OX ataupun bintik proses akan mampu meredam bola dengan maksimal, karena konstruksi dan ketebalan yang cenderung sangat tipis membuat blade ini mampu meredam bola dari lawan.


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