How Are Birthmarks Removed by Dermatologist?

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Dr. Amanda Champlain explains how birthmarks are removed by a dermatologist.

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I'm Dr Amanda Champlain, a board-certified dermatologist and fellowship-trained laser and cosmetic specialist. I practice with U.S. Dermatology Partners in Carrollton, Texas and today I'm going to talk to you about how to remove birthmarks. The most common type of birthmarks are vascular birthmarks. Vascular birthmarks usually present in a newborn typically they're first noticed by the parent or possibly by the examining pediatrician. The birth marks usually present on the head and the neck so sometimes they're on the forehead or on the eyelids possibly on the back of the neck or on one side of the face. They're usually a red you know flat area of skin and a common question that I get from parents and from referring physicians is when should these patients be evaluated by a dermatologist and when should they be treated. If your newborn presents with a vascular birthmark it's very important for them to be evaluated by a board-certified dermatologist so that they receive the correct diagnosis. Some vascular birthmarks such as neva simplex which is more commonly known as salmon patches will gradually fade over time and it's safe to just monitor these birthmarks and no intervention is typically required.

Other type of birthmarks such as capillary malformations the most common one known as a port wine stain will not fade over time an earlier intervention for treatment of these birthmarks is important. The treatment for capillary malformation or a port wine stain is using a laser that targets the blood vessels in the skin and there's really no too early time to start this treatment so newborns within the first few days of life can be treated safely. To treat a capillary malformation with a laser, multiple treatments will be required—these are usually first performed in a series spaced about one month apart. Then depending on the response of the patient maintenance treatments may be required over time this is a lifelong condition so in some patients the laser treatments initially significantly improve the condition but in other patients the condition is a little more severe and a more lifelong approach is required. After the treatment is performed there's significant bruising on the face and this is very purposeful bruising in order to make the laser most effective at targeting the birthmark the bruising isn't painful it does take about two weeks to resolve so there isn't any real downtime associated with the treatment though there can be some social downtime you know for children and adults that receive this treatment. A patient of any age is really at the appropriate age to receive treatment for their port wine stain so we can effectively use this treatment from newborn within just the first few days of life as well as in children teenagers and in patients that are well into adulthood.


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