Cleaning Your Green Bin The Easy Way + Must Have Fly Trap

Описание к видео Cleaning Your Green Bin The Easy Way + Must Have Fly Trap

If you have a green bin then you know how bad it STINKS!!! There are plenty of different ways to clean these but the way I do it is different from anyone else.
First I always wash it out on my lawn instead of the curb, simply because the lawn needs the water and not the concrete. Adding "joy" soap when you wash it out helps with soil compaction. I know that people have reached out to me and said that if you put joy soap on your lawn then it will kill it.... and I don't disagree if you use a lot of soap. It doesn't take much soap to clean out the bin and that little big of soap will help your soil and help with that area of lawn you washed it out on.

Also so everyone knows, the dish soap did NOT kill my grass, in fact I experienced growth in that area...

Kirkland Dish Soap Was used in this video...

Let me know if I'm crazy and/or need to clean it with something else.
Thanks for watching guys!!!!

#lawngest #greenbin #cleaning


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