#40 - CATIA Design Theory - Using Bodies

Описание к видео #40 - CATIA Design Theory - Using Bodies

This one is another video on the topic of what I call Design Theory. Not the specific tools that create elements of parts, but the methods behind how you design in an organized intentional manner that will help you or your team work better through successive iterations and revisions.

Many people from a hobbyist background might not feel this is necessary, but I feel strongly that after you "buy into" all the process you'll find that it's extremely beneficial even if you're not designing complex systems as part of a large team.

Lastly, this is CATIA, which is essentially the premier CAD/PLM system used throughout aerospace, marine, automotive and other large industries, but most of the ideas and concepts used in this series can still be applied to any CAD package at any level. I do work in aerospace but I also work deeply with the hobbyist/DIY scene, so I use Fusion 360 just about daily, and even though it doesn't work the same way, I can usually get it to follow these ideals fairly well.


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