The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

Описание к видео The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde

কোর্স নিতে মেসেজ দিন এক্ষুনি। ❤❤
আমার ফেসবুক : Ali Reza Palash.
আমার WhatsApp: 01735704293

আমার ফেসবুক আইডি Link

1. Jack Worthing: A young man who pretends to have a brother named Ernest to escape his responsibilities in the countryside.
2. Algernon Moncrieff: Jack's friend, who creates a fictional invalid friend named Bunbury to escape social obligations.
3. Gwendolen Fairfax: Algernon's cousin and Jack's love interest, who believes she can only love a man named Ernest.
4. Cecily Cardew: Jack's ward, a young and romantic girl who falls in love with Algernon pretending to be Ernest.
5. Lady Bracknell: Gwendolen's mother, a domineering and aristocratic woman who values social status above all else.
6. Miss Prism: Cecily's governess, a well-intentioned but absent-minded woman.
7. Rev. Canon Chasuble: The local rector, romantically interested in Miss Prism.


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