Assessing recovery and conservation impact with the Green Status of Species

Описание к видео Assessing recovery and conservation impact with the Green Status of Species

In 2021, IUCN launched a standardized assessment of species recovery and conservation impact: The IUCN Green Status of Species. The Green Status of Species was developed in response to an IUCN Members' Resolution to answer the question, "what does successful conservation mean?" Through this assessment, species are assigned a Species Recovery Score and Category, which take into account species' ecological functionality and pre-impact baselines. The Green Status of Species is a new part of the Red List assessment process, and its new metrics are already being incorporated into Red List accounts. The IUCN Species Strategic Plan includes a target of 5000 Green Status assessments published by 2025.

This webinar provided an overview of the Green Status assessment process, the tools and guidance available to help new assessors, and showcased examples of completed assessments and how they are helping incentivize species conservation.

Dr Molly Grace (Lecturer, University of Oxford; Co-Chair, IUCN SSC Green Status of Species-SSC Integration Task Force)

Mike Hoffmann (Head of Wildlife Recovery, Zoological Society of London)

Dr. Claudia Hermes (Red List Officer, BirdLife International)


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