Mehndi Nikkah & Birthday Decoration Accessories || Mayoon Decoration Item || Wholesale Market ||

Описание к видео Mehndi Nikkah & Birthday Decoration Accessories || Mayoon Decoration Item || Wholesale Market ||

Biggest Mehndi Decoration Items Wholesale Shop | Mehndi Thaal Decoration | Mehndi Plate Decoration

Today I am visiting One Of the Biggest Mehndi Decoration Market in Rawalpindi where every type of Mehndi accessories design Mehndi thaal is this video I will show you Mehndi thaal Mehndi Plate with prices.Mehndi decoration shop have thousands of types of crockery with new design like Mehndi thaal,Mehndi plates nikah pen,decoration items, birthday items party items , and much more .if anyone is interested visit S Mehndi decoration shop

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