Stalker Call of Pripyat - Fine Work Tool in Yanov + 3 secret stashes.wmv

Описание к видео Stalker Call of Pripyat - Fine Work Tool in Yanov + 3 secret stashes.wmv

You will find the tools inside a building near the Jupiter Factory.
Starting from Yanov Station, head south untill you reach the bandit Checkpoint, then keep going south near the Concrete Bath Anomaly. Watch out for mutants in that area, and watch out for a little bandits camp on the other side. They are hostile towards you, and if you kill them you can also loot some bandages, medikits, vodka, etc from their camp.
After you have killed them, take the ramp and go trough the gate, you will see a building, you need to go inside it. Kill some rodents right outside of the door and then use the stairs to go to the second floor. Watch out for electric anomalies. Here you can collect an artifact too. The tools are in a cabinet on the other side of the floor. When you take them, you can go out by using another door behind you.
In this area you can also find three secret stashes, with some weapons and ammo.


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