Catholic Diocese Send Gino Jennings An Urgent WARNING After He Publicly Destroy Their Sacred Statue

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Catholic Diocese Sends Pastor Gino Jennings A Urgent WARNING After DESTROYING The Statue Of Mary On Live TV 

Join Pastor Gino Jennings as he passionately critiques the Catholic Church for practices he views as idolatrous, including the veneration of statues and images. In a bold demonstration, Jennings brings a statue to the pulpit, smashing it to emphasize his message that worship should be directed solely to God. This act has sparked a worldwide debate, with Catholics and supporters of religious imagery voicing outrage.

Despite the backlash, Jennings remains unapologetic, challenging Catholic leaders to a televised discussion on doctrines that contradict scripture. This video dives into the controversy surrounding religious practices, the interpretation of biblical commandments, and the nature of true worship.


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