Allett Lawn Brush

Описание к видео Allett Lawn Brush

In this video we explore the lawn brush cartridge from the ultra-change cartridge system for the Stirling mowers. This brush is stiffer and more aggressive compared to our UC brush. But don't worry it doesn't have to be aggressive all the time. The brush's effectiveness depends on the depth setting which should be adjusted based on your grass length and where your debris is.

This versatile brush can be used to remove thatch and tidy up your lawn after dethatching. In the summer when the grass doesn't need cutting you can use the brush to brush the grass upright creating a neat and strong stripe without actually mowing. Additionally it's useful for brushing in top dressing during levelling operations. The brush spins at high speed helping to push the material forward until it finds a hole or hollow to settle into.

If you're dealing with worm casts and their resulting soil spots the brush can help disperse them and prevent weed grasses from taking hold. While it may not be your top priority cartridge having it in your arsenal ensures you're well-equipped for various situations.

The brush cartridge picks out brown dead material from the grass without picking up any plants or cutting into the soil. However, a word of caution: the brush spins rapidly so it's best to use it over the surface just once at a time to avoid burning the grass leaves. Setting the depth too deep can also cause the machine to be pulled along forcefully and it may lead to bristle breakage. Hence it's crucial to set the depth correctly targeting the debris you want to clean up.

The brush cartridge offers exceptional clean-up capabilities leaving behind nothing. Remember to take care of your cartridge by following our recommendations ensuring the bristles last as long as possible.

Lawn brush



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