[Webinar] Accessibility in the Digital Age | Keep Michigan Learning

Описание к видео [Webinar] Accessibility in the Digital Age | Keep Michigan Learning

With educators all over the globe suddenly creating online experiences for students, there are important issues of web accessibility that need to be considered to ensure these learning experiences are available for all students as well as the adults who help them with their online coursework. For teachers new to this process, it can be overwhelming to navigate the many resources and guidelines out there on web accessibility. In this webinar, we walk you through a brief history of web accessibility and offer both mindsets and practical tips for creating accessible online lessons for all.

Brought to you in part by Meemic Insurance Company, Insurance for Educators.

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Jeff Gerlach, Instructional Design Coach at Michigan Virtual
Kristi Peacock, Senior Instructional Designer at Michigan Virtual
Jill Souza, Instructional Designer at Michigan Virtual
Dr. Chris Harrington, Director of Michigan Virtual Learning Research Institute


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