Crack The Altar | ✨ Cancel Moon Magic ✨ | All Baneful Lunar Based Spell Workings Undone

Описание к видео Crack The Altar | ✨ Cancel Moon Magic ✨ | All Baneful Lunar Based Spell Workings Undone

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In this particular affirmation set, it’s very important to me that those who are aware that they have been under this type of working take extreme levels of caution in all parts of their lives. This is not an exaggeration, if you do not know what this is, absolutely feel free to ignore this description, this audio and all of my videos which have a hex breaking element to it.

Of all the hex breaking series I put here online this is the one I struggled with the most as to whether or not it was ethical for me to post such a thing publicly. The outcomes, genesis, state of being, and representation of such workings are so covert that genuinely I feel like you would have to be a very well trained practitioner to even know whether or not you were dealing with this specifically with certainly.

Why does this matter?

Lunar based workings have the tendency in some instances to mimic things like psychosis, like mental illnesses which appear to be psychotic front facing, and other illusion or delusion-based scenarios. The ability to ascertain the difference between something which is a genuine mental health distress and something which has as its result at least in part a lunar-based working or working is that fall within this family of Attacks, I genuinely believe takes years of very careful meditation, comparison and discipline in close range.

It has taken years to come up with specific directives which might counter such attacks. I say might because this is not something that is universal, the whole point of this type of attack is to fracture a person in a way that is very personal. Unfortunately for everyone, the people who do such things are often very untrained! This makes breaking such a working more difficult from my personal perspective. To the point where, i woukd be cautious of people who imply this is easy to do.

I do not take it lightly that a lot of you have been dealing with things are impossible for lay man to explain. I’m quite clear, that some of you were dealing with things that are impossible for you to articulate to those who are not sensitives. I also do not take it lightly that some of you may be dealing with actual physical mental health distresses in addition to this and related attacks as a result of years of abuse and trauma. The difference between these layers of harm is keen.

In general I think it’s important that all of us who are doing this work lean towards extreme caution as a relates to what is said publicly and what isn’t. I think it’s important in this timing that we remember that. However, it is increasingly important to me that the people who need at least some support of a more advanced type able to leverage this audio in the right timing.

This is what I hope to offer here. Again, if you do not know what this is I urge you to actually just completely ignore this. I have decided to post this Shortened version of this audio publicly because the widespread nature of such workings has become impossible to ignore it as it relates to the impact of what I’m seeing on various collectives.

In the longform version there is more of meticulous addressing of the layers of infraction which are made manifest on the victim in such workings. I do hope that if you feel impacted by this specific type of work that you would email me or another extremely trusted person and come up with a specific plan as to what you’re going to do about it. This is not the kind of thing that you can leave to chance. The moon and or intimate sense of self is a critical point of reference for references which also relate to sanity. If you do not respond, please be advised that you leave yourself at the mercy of things that nobody needs to be left at the mercy of. May the fullness of a total response meet those who are doing this to innocent people.

And may the most total form of healing possible meet those who need it as soon as possible.


Please be advised. I am going to protect this several times more heavy handidy than I have others. If you choose to tamper with this audio you are fully responsible for everything that happens after that. Do not attempt to tamper with this audio. thank you.

[Audio intention disabled for those in active alignment with harming others and negative energies. Read as WARNING Light Path Only - DO NOT LISTEN to this if you participate in Left Hand work of any kind.]

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This audio is provided for information only. It is not intended to replace a consultation with an appropriately qualified practitioner.

Venus Essentials cannot accept any responsibility for any loss, damage or injury arising from the use of this recording or the content herein.

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